Can Orbi Outdoor Satellite RBS50YV2 Connect to RBR750?
Having trouble connecting Orbi RBS50YV2 to RBR750 router? We can help you. We want to draw your attention to the fact that RBS50YV2 is an outdoor satellite that is not compatible with all Orbi routers.
With compatible routers, the outdoor satellite can be used in Router mode. However, with certain incompatible routers like RBR750, Orbi outdoor satellite RBS50YV2 can be used in Extender mode. In this post, we have covered instructions to set up the outdoor satellite as an Extender.
Set Up Orbi Outdoor Satellite RBS50YV2 in Extender Mode
The default mode on the Orbi satellite is Router mode. This is the reason why you can’t set it up when trying to connect it to the RBR750 router. The mode on the Outdoor satellite needs to be altered before you connect it to this router model. Use the instructions highlighted below to change the mode and carry out the setup using the default Orbi login details. Know that your Orbi satellite works like an extender when operated in the Extender Mode.
Step 1: Change the Mode on Orbi Satellite
- Bring the Orbi outdoor satellite RBS50YV2 in the same room as the Orbi router RBR750.
- Avoid supplying power to the satellite for now. If it is powered on, turn it off.
- Simply plug the satellite into the outlet and do not toggle the Power button.
- Now, push the Sync button located on it. You should keep it held.
- While the Sync button is still pressed, quickly press and release the Power button.
- The satellite turns on. You should still hold the Sync button.
- Release the button when the bottom light pulses white and blue.
- After the button is released, the LED should behave this way:
- Get your computer to the Orbi satellite’s WiFi.
- Select the network name Netgear_Ext.
- Run an internet browser installed on the computer now.
- Type in the URL field and press Enter to go ahead.
- You will land on the Netgear installation assistant.
- Do what the prompts on the screen suggest.
- The bottom light on the Orbi satellite will help you know the connection status between the satellite and router.
Pulse Blue- This means the satellite is booting up. The mode is changing to the Extender mode. The light stays this way for a few minutes.
Solid Blue- The mode on the satellite is changed to Extender Mode.
Step 2: Sync Orbi Satellite with Router
Generally, the login URL for an Orbi device is But since you are using it in the Extender Mode, the URL changes to
Blue- A blue light on the bottom LED signifies a good connection between the Orbi devices. The light should turn off in 3 minutes.
Magenta- A magenta light means the connection failed. Bring the devices closer and check their power supply. Try to connect them once again.
Amber- A fair connection is indicated by the amber light on the bottom LED. Simply reduce the distance separating the Orbi satellite and router.
Concluding Thoughts
An Orbi outdoor satellite RBS50YV2 can be connected with RBR750 only in the Extender Mode. The steps to change the mode and set up the Orbi satellite have been discussed in this blog. We are expecting that you have found the information here useful and have completed the Orbi setup with ease.